Libraries & Bindings
Official Resources
React bindings for ReScript
The motiviation of this repo is that when ReScript users want to share their library with JS users, the JS users don't need have ReScript toolchain installed, this makes sharing code with JS users easier.
The most minimalistic testing library you will find for testing ReScript code
Better interop with JS & TS in ReScript
Community Resources
Fast, small color manipulation and conversion
Mock Js.Date when run unit test cases with Jest. Make tests of Js.Date easier.
ReScript bindings for @testing-library/dom
Parse dates and numbers using the Intl API in ReScript
Zero-cost bindings to Facebook's Recoil library
ReasonML / BuckleScript bindings for the Apollo Client ecosystem
> ✨ Bootstrapped with Create Snowpack App (CSA).
> A lightweight test framework for ReScript
Secure Hash Algorithms for ReScript
Small and flexible React hooks for building custom and accessible listbox components.
ReScript bindings for @testing-library/react
Fast-check bindings for ReScript
ReScript bindings for polished.
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JSON encoding and decoding for ReScript
ReScript compiler, OCaml standard libary by ReScript and its required runtime support
lightning-fast testing for a lightning-fast compiler
ReScript module to convert the number to Korean
Persistent Vector implemenetation in ReScript
⚡ Build React Native layouts quickly with ease and fun.
Logging implementation for ReScript
Form validation tool for @rescript/react
ReScript bindings for react-navigation.
Logging implementation for ReScript
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ReScript bindings for react-native-image-picker.
React component for a grid layout within fixed width / height. Usefull for dashboards or full screen web applications.
A ReScript implementation of the blossom maximum-matching algorithm
ReScript port of Polished library for color manipulation
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Migrate files between .re .rei .res .resi .ml .mli extensions for ocaml, reasonml, bucklescript and rescript syntaxes
Quickly add reasonml and rescript attributes to your project
Quickly add reasonml and rescript gitignore values to your project
This library provides Reason bindings for material-ui.
> useReducer with updates and side effects!
2020 proposal for new ReScript promise bindings
RePolished bindings for bs-css
Transform SVG files into React components, Native and/or Web, JavaScript and ReScript. Without shitload of dependencies.
Quickly create an opinionated bsconfig.json
ReScript bindings for React Native.
ReScript bindings for Next.js
Gerrit client
A declarative template language for web documents & beyond.
ReScript bindings for React Native.
ReScript bindings for Chokidar.js
> An alternative upgrade path for ReasonReact
ReScript binding for Patternfly
Reason / ReScript bindings to DOM
Reasonably making forms with ReScript and React sound good
Rescript bindings for Expo
This library provides Reason bindings for material-ui-lab.
Snowpack plugin for ReScript
Reason/OCaml PPX generating ReactIntl `id` from `defaultMessage`
This is for generating the rescript project template/starter code.
BuckleScript bindings for Prettier.js
Enable web worker-loader for your create-react-app project.
BuckleScript bindings for MardownIt.js
A super simple JSON decoder for Rescript
BuckleScript bindings for Mustache.js
ReScript bindings for Execa.js
BuckleScript bindings for node-sass
A simple CLI utility to generate the required files to get you up and running with [ReScript](
Install lastest version of dev esy.json for melange-re/melange with npx
ReScript + Reason React template for Create React App
ReScript bindings to the Benchmark.js library
[dinero.js]( bindings for ReScript
A tiny Snowpack plugin to fix usage of `require`
Reasonably making forms with ReScript and React sound good
Load third-party scripts into your react app using hooks.
ANSI code to HTML
Gerrit plugin to display zuul results
A collection of sources and operators for [Wonka](
Doc-e-mate in ReScript
![ReScript Colisweb toolkit](/media/image.jpg)
a ReScript binding for the JavaScript Notifications API.
React Native template for application developed with ReScript.
Use Relay with ReScript.
This package closely wraps the [Push API]( It does not include the Push API Service Worker Additions. Instead, it is a dependency of the `rescript-service-worker` package. It has not been exhaust
ReScript bindings for the Apollo Client ecosystem
> (nearly) zero-cost bindings to express
Use create-react-app ( CRA ) with babel and typescript
A collection of React hooks for [Wonka]( and [WonkaExtras](
Elm task but for ReScript
bindings from ReScript to JavaScript service workers.
BlurHash implementation in ReScript language
> Belt's missing piece, Persistent Vector for ReScript.
ReScript React CSS Grid Wrapper
Library for using esri loader in rescript.
ReScript binding for mapbox-gl
ReScript binding to Heroicons
a stand-alone package for interoperation between Elm and ReScript compatible with es6 modules.
Collected runtime libraries for Jane Street's Base
The Lukin Co. template for Create React App and ReScript
Enable web worker-loader for your create-react-app project.
The Lukin Co. template for Create React App and ReScript
ppx validates the rules of React hooks
ReScript bindings for Boost
A rescript configuration for smooth React Apps
Some extension methods to ReScript's Js.Array2 module
Rescript bindings for [rn-tailwind](
ReScript binding for Inertia.js
ReScript bindings to Linaria
This is the Expo template that allows you to build mobile applications with use of ReasonML/ReScript.
Self-adjusting Computation by Umut Acar
This is the Expo template that allows you to build mobile applications with use of ReasonML/ReScript.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/clipboard.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-async-storage/async-storage.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/cameraroll.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/datetimepicker.
ReScript bindings for react-native-device-info.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/geolocation.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/image-editor.
ReScript bindings for react-native-inappbrowser
ReScript bindings for react-native-linear-gradient.
ReScript bindings for react-native-keychain.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/netinfo.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-picker/picker.
ReScript bindings for react-native-safe-area-view.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/push-notification-ios.
ReScript bindings for react-native-permissions.
ReScript bindings for react-native-paper.
ReScript bindings for react-native-safe-area-context.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/slider.
ReScript bindings for react-native-svg.
ReScript bindings for react-native-webview.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/viewpager.
ReScript bindings for react-navigation.
Enable web worker-loader for your create-react-app project.
Debounce for ReScript
ReScript bindings to react-intl
Debounce for @rescript/react
Throttle hooks for @rescript/react
Throttle for ReScript
Create-React-App Template for Reason/ReScript
Enable service-worker-loader for your create-react-app project.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/checkbox.
ReScript bindings for rn-fetch-blob.
Color constrast helpers to achieve the WCAG 2.0 standard
Project template to start ReScript React with Snowpack
ReScript bindings for Recharts
Generete ReactIntl.messages
Binaries for the rescript-react-intl message extractor